Young Audiences of Louisiana’s Artsplay! at Home has returned. Mardi Gras Season may be over, but the spirit is alive year-round in New Orleans, as YALA’s latest workshop series reminds us.
Crafted by Young Audiences of Louisiana and Louisiana Wolf Trap Teaching Artist Janese Brooks-Galathe, “Take Me Down to the Second Line” is based on the traditional indigenous culture of New Orleans Second Line and Black Masking Indians. Each New Orleans-themed session is designed to promote childhood development and expand caregiver knowledge—all to the tune of play.
In addition to getting into the true New Orleans spirit, with each workshop families will have the opportunity to explore visual art. In this series, YALA has partnered with New Orleans African American Museum (NOAAM). NOAAM works to preserve the history and elevate the art, culture, and contributions of African Americans in New Orleans and the African Diaspora. They have contributed artwork to share with each lesson.
Thanks to the generous contribution of The Helis Foundation, workshops are free to the public. The next session takes place this Saturday, March 13. In order to keep families safe, all sessions will take place virtually via Zoom. Whether on a laptop, tablet or a cell phone, register today for the workshop link and participate from anywhere.
Full Workshop Schedule
February 27: Workshop 1 – Mama Don’t Cry (Emotional Development)
March 6: Workshop 2 – Roll Wit Me (Social Development)
March 13: Workshop 3 – Do What Cha Wanna (Word Relations)
March 20: Workshop 4 – When the Saints Go Marching In (Math Foundations)
March 27: Workshop 5 – Down to the Audubon Zoo (Imaginative Play)
April 3: Workshop 6 – All on Mardi Gras Day (Multiple Development Areas)
For more information on Young Audiences of Louisiana’s early learning programs and workshops, please contact Eddie Lanieri at eddie@ya4la.org.