Saturday, June 1, five large-scale murals will be unveiled in Downtown New Orleans. Presented by the Helis Foundation, the murals — collectively titled “Unframed” – are a project spearheaded by the Arts Council New Orleans and the first multi-mural exhibition of large scale artwork in Downtown New Orleans.
The Arts Council of New Orleans put out an open call for Unframed, receiving hundreds of submissions from local artists. As a result, two of the five new murals are dedicated to the local artists who competed. International artists are also represented, namely artists from Poland named Etam Cru. The remaining four artists are from New Orleans” Brandon “B-Mike” Odums (in partnership with Young Artist Movement), Team A/C, MOMO and Carl Joe Williams.
“Vibrant and engaging murals have the power to transform communities. They transform bland facades into contemporary works that enhance our shared urban environment, reflect community character, seed civic dialog, and help strengthen an area’s sense of place.” Arts Council New Orleans Executive Director Heidi Schmalbach said. “We are proud to partner with The Helis Foundation to reflect the artistic energy happening inside the museums and galleries on walls within the Arts District for the public to enjoy.”
Etam Cru is a duo comprised of Polish street artists Sainer and Bezt, who are best known for building-sized artworks. Team A/C is Adam Modesitt and Carrie Norman, whose expertise in digital design and architecture inform their artistic approach. MOMO is a globally known artist who works frequently in public spaces and has had work commissioned in New York City, Boston, Brussels, Oaxaca and elsewhere. B-Mike is arguably the city’s most renowned muralist who operates Studio Be in the Bywater. For Unframed, he will collaborate with Young Artist Movement, New Orleans’ first city-wide youth mural initiative, engaging youth, artists, and communities in sustained public art and place-making. Lastly, Carl Joe Williams is an Uptown New Orleans native and former NOCCA student whose work involves figures and narratives, with influence drawn often from the African diaspora.
June 1’s unveiling is a public event and takes place during the Arts District New Orleans’ First Saturday. The celebratory block party will include music, food, drinks and more. The event runs from 6 to 9 p.m. on the 400 block of Julia Street.
Read article on the OffBeat website.